Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Review: "Barbarians" by Lauren Southern

Even though I retweet political posts on a regular basis, I don’t want to turn my reviews into a forum for my political ideas. I will say that they don’t have a lot of mainstream acceptance and when it comes to a lot of the social issues brought about nowadays in film and literature, my opinion is in the VAST minority, with most of the books I come across I am in ideological opposition to (even though I enjoy them). And part of this growth away from certain schools of thoughts can be attributed to those like Lauren Southern, who I describe as a libertarian Ann Coulter, although she is a lot more palatable. In this, her first book, Barbarians, I agree and disagree with some of her points. I agree with her thoughts on the threat of Islam and the true nature of SJWs but find her themes of nationalism near the end and a brief discussion on the death penalty near the beginning a bit to extreme for me. But I don’t want to bore you with too many details about my political leanings (you can just see what I retweet and agree or disagree), this blog is more about the quality of a book and for its brief length, where it feels a bit more like a pamphlet or a taste of something bigger (hopefully) or worse, a dry academic paper, it presents its ideas in an entertaining way with lots of footnotes to readings, articles and some YouTube clips (some of which I have read and liked). Her few personal anecdotes, one about her time in college and one from a video I have watched quite a few times that clearly and accurately prove both points she’s making about how the left has become illiberal. As hard as it is, I try my best to not mix art and politics (even though I am working on a short story that does just that), so I won’t be doing many reviews such as these (I’ll make an exception for Milo’s book), but if you want to read opposing viewpoints, and I hope you do, this short book by an interesting and elegant voice is a great place to start.

Rating: 4/5

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